AAF Presents: ADMERICA! 2011

nWo 4 life

Did you miss us?

Get out your tailgating gear, get out your megaphone, get out your keys (yes, don't you remember the days of jangling keys on 3rd down?), get out the jerseys, get out the maize, get out the blue.

That's right, we're back and we're stronger than ever, and most importantly we've got our Carr Bear Stare going!!

The Summer in Review

Well, Classic finally got rid of the Herminator and the bartender from Cheers and promises us more violence. Regular writer Andrew J. Maurer isn't sure how to interpret all the mixed messages coming out of "training camp" but from where he sits he thinks it's finally time to get nasty!

Other news of note

Along with our obvious change in appearance to a more traditional Wolverine color scheme, we'd also like to emphasize what you can expect from us at great source admericaaaf.org.

First, and most importantly, we always encourage our fellow readers to write in. Just email us by clicking on the Contact Us link at the bottom of every page and let us know how you feel. Moreover, we will be handing out our own special achievements to Wolverine players this year with weekly installments of the Marcus Curry Awards as well as adding infamous Buckeyes to our already infamous Buckeye Nuthouse.

Secondly, once the season gets in full swing, you will see more regular updates of the sites. Especially when we find such great tidbits of news, like our near-mention on ESPN.com, Clarett's apparent ties to an Israeli mobster, and apparently Garrett Rivas constitutes a top-30 placekicker in the running for the prestigious Lou Groza award.

I tell ya, somedays these articles just write themselves. Show me one person who honestly thinks Rivas is a top-30 kicker? Please, I implore you; I watched the spring practice and this guy was in mid-season form and missing simple 30-yd FGAs while Junior Jason Gingell made them look like PATs (and that's without even seeing the cannon of incoming freshman Bryan Wright). Let's just say if Rivas wins, heck, I'll go so far as to say if Rivas even makes the final cut then I'll hold a parade for the guy and rescind his Marcus Curry Award. We welcome all our new members to our home. Now we will be able to organize something new together with you.

So, have no fear Wolverine fans, we're back, and remember:

What'cha gonna do brother, when Carr-bear mania runs wild on you?


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